Good Morning Centennial Families! Due to safety and heath concerns for our students and staff Centennial School will be rescheduling tomorrows (10-29-20) picture day. We apologize for any inconvenience and we will have the new rescheduled dates to you in the near future. Please understand this decision was solely based on the safety health and well being of our staff students and community.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good Afternoon Centennial Families! CORRECTION the Work Session scheduled for Wednesday, October 28, 2020 will begin at 5:00 pm/Special Board Meeting will begin at 6:30 pm. The link will be sent out Wednesday at 4:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good Afternoon! Centennial Work Session/Special BOE Mtg is Wednesday, October 28, 2020 @ 6:00 pm. The link to join will be sent at 5:30 pm on Wednesday.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good afternoon, Tomorrow will be a remote learning day again for all students due to forecasted snow throughout the afternoon and icy conditions overnight. There will be no in-person instruction. All 100% Remote learning scheduled Zooms will meet. Additionally, pick-up meal service, for all students remote and traditional, will resume on Wednesday with food pick-ups in San Luis only. Distribution has been extremely low at local pick-up points, so we will only distribute meals at the school until local pick-up needs arise again. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
School is closed today for in-person learning due to heavy snow and poor road conditions. All students will remote learn today. Teachers will send traditional students their assignments this morning by email. 100% remote learning students attend schedule zoom meeting. Again, there will be no ip person instructional learning today. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good evening Centennial daycare families, Due to an unanticipated sub-shortage, we will need to close the daycare tomorrow, October 26. Our new teacher/director begins Nov. 2, so this issue should not occur again. Thank you for your understanding.
over 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Good news! The test results of our first in-building recommendation for COVID testing is negative. Our proactive steps put control of any potential spread days ahead of waiting for the test results. Thank you to the staff and families that took extra steps to self-quarantine to protect our community. Again, the test results are negative. Monday will be a normal in-person day for preschool- 2nd, 7th-8th, and 10th-12th grades. Good job staying safe Rams!
over 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Please click the link below to join the Regular BOE Mtg. @ 6:00 pm via zoom: Please click this URL to join. Passcode: 043901 or join by phone 1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 921 9464 1965
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good afternoon Centennial Families and Staff, Today, someone in our building was recommended for COVID testing. In order to be proactive, we immediately contacted anyone who was in contact with that person and asked them to self-quarantine until that person's test results are returned. We hope our community appreciates this extra precaution to keep our families safe.
over 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Family Activity Night @ 6pm Log in to participate in the fun! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 961 9145 6226 Passcode: 607787 Or call 12532158782
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Centennial Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, October 22, 2020 @ 6:00 pm. The link to join will be sent at 5:30 on Thursday.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Family Activity Night @ 6 pm. Log in to participate in Trivia Night. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 955 3060 4060 Passcode: 716310 Or call 13462487799
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good evening Centennial Families, Next week, we will begin bringing traditional students on campus for a regular school day once a week. Students will be divided into two groups with 1 group coming to school on Mondays and the other group coming to school on Tuesdays. On Mondays, Preschool-2nd grade, 7th-8th grades, and 10-12th grade traditional students will come to school on campus. On Tuesdays, 3rd-4th grades, 5th-6th grades, and 9th grade will come to school on campus. As we take this first step to safely bring traditional students back on campus, we are ensuring that traditional and 100% remote students will have the same access to direct support from their teachers. All students will receive direct support at least 2 days a week (Either in Zoom or in person) and will have independent practice for 2 days a week. We hope to ease the stress of remote learning for many of our students by having in-person instruction once a week for traditional students and continued Zoom instruction for our 100% remote students. Your child's teachers will be sharing any schedule changes with you and your children during their Zoom sessions this week. We will also share the schedules with you through Alma and the Centennial website. Thank you for your support through all of these decisions and the steps we have taken as a school community to ensure a safe, quality education.
over 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Join us for a Family Activity Night October 14 @ 6pm via zoom!! Log in with your child to participate in the fun for Trivia Night. The link will be sent out Wednesday at 5:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Please click the link below to join the Work Session/Special BOE Mtg @ 6:00pm. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 007071 or call 1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 965 1967 7089
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good evening Centennial families! The last day of first quarter is this Thursday, which means there is no school on Thursday for PK-4th grades. Fall break for all students is Monday- Tuesday of next week, so there is no school as well.
over 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Centennial Work Session/Special BOE Meeting is Wednesday Oct 7, 2020 at 6:00 pm. The link to join will be sent at 5:30 pm on Wednesday.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Family Activity Night @ 6pm Log in to participate in the fun! We will be on a scavenger hunt looking for items in your home. Join Zoom Meeting Passcode: 221631 or call 1 312 626 6799 US Meeting ID: 957 7989 6538
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Join us for a Family Activity Night Sept. 30, 2020 @ 6 pm via zoom. Log in with your child to participate in the fun! We will be on a scavenger hunt looking for items in your home!! The link will be sent out Wednesday at 5:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good evening Centennial families, Last week, the Centennial Board of Education voted to bring traditional students back to campus one a day a week beginning October 19. If you would like to change your child's enrollment from 100% remote to traditional or vice versa, you can change their registration type this week. Just call the front office to make that switch. If not switched by Thursday at 5:00pm, they will remain in their registration group. The next time to switch registration groups will be at semester. When traditional students return to campus, we will reorganize groups and will not use cohort A and B when we return. The new schedule will be sent home to families next week. We are excited to have students return safely to campus in small, measured steps. We appreciate everyone's support and patience during this time. Go Rams!
over 4 years ago, Kimba Rael