Good Evening Centennial Families!
Please click the link below to join the Work Session/Special BOE Mtg. webinar:
Passcode: 351719
1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 918 2738 3230
Good Morning Centennial Families!
A message from the Superintendent.
Good Afternoon Families. There will be a Work Session/Special BOE Mtg. Thursday, March 4, 2021 @ 6:00 pm via zoom. The link to join will be sent out Thursday at 5:30 pm.
The HS Girls basketball game will be live-streamed on the district’s Facebook starting now- Go Rams!
Good evening Centennial families!
We look forward to having all traditional students back on campus tomorrow. Additionally, both bus routes will be running.
More good news: The Centennial Board of Education decided at last week's meeting that we will welcome Traditional students back to 4-days a week in-person learning in the 4th Quarter. The week after spring break will remain on our current schedule of 2 days a week in-person. We will begin 4-days a week in-person for K-12 on March 29, which is week two of the 4th quarter.
Returning to 4-days a week in-person learning for Traditional students means that 100% Remote students will also begin having instructional days 4 days a week, too. We will use new technology so they can Zoom with their classmates that are on campus. Teachers will send out information specific to their 100% Remote students in the next few weeks.
Almost a year later, we are returning to daily instruction for all students. We are thrilled to make this important step for our students. Thank you for supporting us through such a tough year.
Use the link below to join tonight's Board of Education Meeting, which is beginning in a few minutes:
Or join by phone:
+1 669 900 68331 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 915 8965 1810
Good Afternoon Families. The Regular scheduled BOE Mtg. Is Thursday, February 25, 2021 @ 6:00 pm via zoom. The link to join will be sent out Thursday at 5:30 pm.
Good evening,
Liz's bus route will not run this week. All parents are asked to drop off and pick-up their students who ride Liz's bus on Monday and Wednesday. As a reminder, Middle school students will all be remote learning this week. There will be no in-person learning for Middle School students. Thank you.
Good evening Centennial families,
The Middle school will be on 100% remote learning next week due to staffing shortages. There will be no in-person learning for the middle school on February 22 and 24. Traditional students will meet via Zoom on these days instead. Thank you for your understanding.
COVID-19 update
No traditional learning is for all students PK-12 grades today only.
Good morning Centennial families:
As a reminder, all traditional students will be remote learning today. There will be no on-campus, in-person learning. We apologize for the inconvenience. Teachers will reach out with all necessary Zoom information for traditional students. Thank you for your understanding.
Attention Centennial families:
We apologize for the late notice but all traditional students will be remote tomorrow due to a substitute shortage. There will be no on-campus, in-person learning. We apologize for the inconvenience. Teachers will reach out with all necessary Zoom information for traditional students. Thank you for your understanding.
Good evening Centennial Families,
Just a reminder that you must notify the front office by Thursday, February 18, if you want your child to switch from remote to traditional 4th quarter. Based on numbers, we will decide how 4th quarter will look for all students. After Thursday, February 18, there will be no opportunity to switch to transitional for the remainder of the year. Thank you.
Hello Rams fans!
The high school basketball games beginning at 5:30 tonight will be live streamed on Facebook live. Watch the games on @csdsanluis
Go Rams!
Good evening Centennial Families,
Liz' bus route tomorrow will not run. Parents, please, bring your students to school and pick them up after school if they ride Liz' bus. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you.
Centennial fans: We will live stream the boys game here on Facebook. Thank you for your patience as we work on a higher quality video @csdsanluis
CentennialRams: Watch the HS Basketball games against Cotopaxi on Zoom tonight. The Girls game begins at 5:00. Boys game will follow.
Or join via the Zoom App:
Webinar ID: 833 8003 9317
Tonight’s HS basketball games against Cotopaxi will be live steamed via Zoom. We will use the same link fir all games and briefly sign off at halftime and between games. The girls game begins in 20 minutes. Click to join:
Or join via the Zoom App:
Webinar ID: 833 8003 9317
The game starts in 3 min