Hello Centennial families. Tonight’s volleyball game will be streamed on our school Facebook page @csdsanluis within the next ten minutes.
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
High school volleyball ball game is being shown on Primero’s face book page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/School/PrimeroSchoolDistrict/videos/
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
God evening Centennial families. The high school game vs Sierra Grande will be streamed on the NFHS network as well as @csdsanluis face book. Game begins at 5:00p.m. The game will be streamed if the WiFi strength is supported. Go Rams!
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
Good afternoon Centennial families. The high school volleyball game scheduled against John Mall today is cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience. Stay safe and have a great day.
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
Good evening Centennial families, We recently received some important news about how we will administer the state CMAS assessments this spring. Given the challenges created by COVID, the state legislature and U.S. Department of Education have reduced the number of tests students are required to take this year. Students will only be required to take one test in either English language arts or math, depending on their grade, but parents can choose to have children take both tests if they would like to see how their children are progressing in both subject areas. If you would like us to provide your child with both the English language arts and math assessments, please complete the form sent to you through Alma or pick up the form from the front office. All opt-in forms must be received by Thursday, April 8. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Good evening Centennial families, We recently received some important news about how we will administer the state CMAS assessments this spring. Given the challenges created by COVID, the state legislature and U.S. Department of Education have reduced the number of tests students are required to take this year. Students will only be required to take one test in either English language arts or math, depending on their grade, but parents can choose to have children take both tests if they would like to see how their children are progressing in both subject areas. If you would like us to provide your child with both the English language arts and math assessments, please complete the form sent to you through Alma or pick up the form from the front office. All opt-in forms must be received by Thursday, April 8. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Good evening Centennial families, We hope you enjoyed a beautiful Easter with your family, if this is a holiday you celebrate. As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow for all grades. We hope you enjoy the extended weekend. We will see you on Tuesday. Thank you Rams!
almost 4 years ago, Centennial Rams
Support your Centennial Seniors ( Anastasia Salcido, Alexia Valdez, and Feliciana Lobato)participating in the 33rd Arby’s SLV All Star Game. It is being live streamed on the NFHS network through Alamosa High School. Go Rams.
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
Good morning Centennial families. High School has a volleyball game today vs. Sangre at 10:00 a.m. Please use the attached link to view your Ram team. It will be live streamed by Sangre school. Go Lady Rams!! Primary Link: https://vimeo.com/527573461/63bb52dc7c Back-up Link: https://vimeo.com/527574064/1bbd12bf1f
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
Good Evening Centennial Rams! The Board of Education will be conducting a Special School Board Meeting at 5 PM. Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/94688149482?pwd=RWtIbUhvNk9iMEx4TmtKOVFDVS9KUT09 Passcode: 115550 Or Telephone: US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 946 8814 9482
almost 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good Afternoon Centennial Families! The Centennial Board of Education will be conducting a Special Board Meeting on the 29th day of March 2021, at 5 PM. The zoom link will be sent out Monday at 4:30 PM.
almost 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Support your Centennial Ram Volleyball team. They will play against Antonito at 4:00 p.m. today. The game will be livestreamed on Antonito's facebook live page. Go Lady Rams!
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
Centennial Rams: Good Evening! . Please click the link below to join the regular BOE mtg. webinar: https://zoom.us/j/92462643386?pwd=ZHJIc2Z5M1NZdUtIaXBzRXhSZ1o3dz09 Passcode: 985947 Or Telephone: Dial: 1 346 248 7799 Webinar ID: 924 6264 3386
almost 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good Afternoon Families! The regular scheduled BOE mtg will be Thursday, March 25, 2021 @ 6:00 pm via zoom. The link to join will be sent out Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
Good evening Centennial families: The high school volleyball game vs. Center will be streamed on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1A-0kEs61EHpkTjVjxr1A?view_as=subscriber The live stream will not have any audio. Game begins at 5:00p.m. Go Rams!
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Serna
Good evening Centennial families, To promote a safe and productive return to school following Spring Break, all students will be remote learning on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Teachers will inform all students of their Zoom meeting times for Monday OR Tuesday. We hope this extra space will provide families who traveled or spent time with others outside their households to test and/or monitor for symptoms prior to being on campus. Additionally, we ask all families who traveled out of state or out of the country to quarantine your children at home next week and keep them remote learning on Wednesday even if they are traditional learning students. To excuse an absence for traditional students on Wednesday for this reason, please contact the front office on Monday and reach out to your child's teachers. Students who are experiencing any symptoms or illnesses should always be kept home as well. Traditional students and all students returning to Traditional learning for the 4th quarter will return to campus for in-person learning on Wednesday, March 24. Thank you for your support in keeping our Centennial students healthy and safe. Go Rams!
almost 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Good Morning Centennial Families! There will be no Friday school tomorrow 3/12/21 for any students. Enjoy your Spring Break !!!
almost 4 years ago, Crystal Quintana
The Costilla County Public Health/Costilla County Prevention Partners will be distributing games/activities on Monday, March 8th at Centennial School District from 10:00-11:00am. Traditional students will get them on campus. Remote students can pick them up as part of the weekly food distribution. Games were purchased for every single student in the district with the Colorado COVID Relief Fund that was awarded to Public Health. We hope to see you there!
almost 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Good evening Rams sports fans! The final game of the HS Basketball season will be livestreamed on the District's Facebook page tonight starting at 6:00pm. @csdsanluis Go Rams!
almost 4 years ago, Kimba Rael
Public Health is hosting a drive-thru vaccination clinic this weekend- no appointment needed! Centennial Parking lot 10:00-4:00. See flier below for details and qualifications:
almost 4 years ago, Kimba Rael