Public Health Update: Feb. 8, 2021

SAN LUIS VALLEY -  COVID-19 related hospitalizations remain a concern in the San Luis Valley, even as cases have dropped. This morning, local public health agencies/departments reported that there are at least 12 San Luis Valley residents in the hospital with COVID-19 at various locations in Colorado. SLV Regional Medical Center has been treating COVID-19 patients in house continually since early October. They had 7 new COVID-19 admissions in the past two weeks, and 8 in the two weeks prior to that. Many of those patients have extended stays. Although hospitalizations are still a concern, they are in line with Dial changes announced last Friday.


Hospitalization data has been very challenging to track and report accurately. There are many factors. From the state to the local level, there is more than one data reporting system, and sometimes reporting delays and other challenges can paint a picture that does not accurately reflect what is happening on the ground. The number of patients in the hospital at a given time depends not only on how many have been admitted, but also on the length of each patient’s stay. 


There are currently 109 known active cases of COVID-19 in the San Luis Valley. County-specific case counts are listed below, along with what each county is in on the Dial. 

Alamosa County - 64 - Yellow

Conejos County -11 - Yellow

Costilla County - 3 - Yellow

Mineral County - 0 - Yellow

Rio Grande County - 27 - Yellow

Saguache County - 5 - Blue



Individuals who are interested in receiving a COVID-19 vaccine may call or sign up online with one of the providers below. 



To pursue testing for COVID-19 through our regular testing providers call:

  • Rio Grande Hospital 719-657-4990

  • SLVHealth Respiratory Clinic 719-589-3000 ext. 9 

  • Valley-Wide Health Systems 719-589-3658 ext. 4 (M-F), 719-589-2562 (Sa/Su)