SAN LUIS VALLEY - There are currently 218 known active cases of COVID-19 in the San Luis Valley. This week the number of active cases of COVID-19 in the San Luis Valley has begun to rise again. Although we have made great progress recently, we continue to have new cases and hospitalizations. The San Luis Valley had 20 hospital admissions related to COVID-19 in the two weeks ending January 4th. The virus still poses significant risk here.
The rollout of vaccines has allowed us to see a light at the end of this long tunnel. Alamosa County and Costilla County were able to move from Level Red to Level Orange this week. Let us be grateful for our recent progress and avoid the temptation to lose that ground by becoming complacent too soon. Please continue to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, avoid crowds, and practice physical distancing to prevent a resurgence of COVID-19 illness in our community, as we wait for more of our friends and neighbors to be able to access the protection offered by vaccinations.
There are currently 218 known active cases of COVID-19 in the San Luis Valley.
Alamosa County - 122
Conejos County - 27
Costilla County - 7
Mineral County - 9
Rio Grande County - 50
Saguache County - 3
More information about our active case counts, dial status, capacity restrictions at each level, as well as other San Luis Valley COVID information, can be found on the SLV Public Health Partnership website at
You can find answers to more vaccine questions at
Support local businesses. Get more information at
To pursue testing for COVID-19 through our regular testing providers, or for medical questions, call;
Rio Grande Hospital 719-657-4990
SLVHealth Respiratory Clinic 719-589-3000 ext. 9
Valley-Wide Health Systems 719-589-3658 ext. 4 (M-F), 719-589-2562 (Sa/Su)
COVID-19 Vaccination Providers - Currently able to serve frontline healthcare workers and first responders, and those age 70 and over:
Rio Grande Hospital - (719) 657-2418
SLV Health - (719) 587-1355 and
Valley Wide Health Systems - or Facebook
Alamosa County Public Health - (719) 589-6639 and
Conejos County Public Health - 719-274-4307 and Facebook
Costilla County Public Health - (719) 672-3332 and Facebook
Silver Thread Public Health - (719) 658-2416 and Facebook
Rio Grande County Public Health - (719) 657-3352
Saguache County Public Health - 719-655-2533 and Facebook
The Colorado Spirit Crisis Counseling Program (CCP) offers community-based crisis counseling, help with disaster coping strategies, education, and more. Get information at or call 719-587-5673.
For general (non-medical) SLV COVID-19 related questions:, 719-480-8719