Letter to Families

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Centennial School staff, administration and I would like to thank you for your diligence in keeping your students home when they are ill. This has resulted in a very successful start to the school year as we have had minimal disruption in our schools.

As a reminder, if anyone in the household is ill, even mildly ill, please keep all of your children home until symptoms for that person are resolved and/or that household member has a negative COVID test. We have seen a local pattern where some people who test positive for COVID have minor symptoms. Keeping all children home prevents the risk of exposure to others at school and reduces the need to move groups of students to remote learning. We have been working closely with families to provide the best possible learning experience when a student must quarantine and needs to learn from home for a week or two.

In addition, if someone in the home is awaiting a COVID test result, any students who reside in the home need to stay home until the test result is known. If negative, students may come back to school as long as they are not ill.

Again, thank you for your partnership and open communication. Please reach out if you have questions or we can be of any assistance.


Maryanne Martinez, Centennial School Nurse

Kimba Rael, Centennial School Principal