The SLV currently has 6 known active COVID-19 cases.
- Alamosa: 3
- Conejos:0
- Costilla: 0
- Mineral: 2
- Rio Grande: 0
- Saguache: 1
See more data, here:
Public Health encourages those who have COVID-19 symptoms to get tested. Testing
helps keep the level of illness low in our community.
Public Health would also like to remind parents to check children for symptoms of
COVID-19 prior to sending them to school. If your child is ill, keep them home and
consult your family’s medical provider or one of the below numbers to pursue testing for
COVID-19. Keeping your child home when ill is one of the key ways to prevent school
exposures to illnesses such as COVID-19.
Remember, there are other diseases that Public Health is concerned with besides
COVID-19. Please be cautious around wild animals due to the potential for rabies
transmission. Within the past 5 years, Alamosa, Saguache, and Mineral Counties have
all documented rabies-positive bats. In addition, there have been two cases of plague
reported in Colorado in 2020, making this the first year with human cases since 2015. If
you see a bat or other animal acting strangely, or find one in your building or house, do
not attempt to capture it. Call your local animal control agency and leave dead animals
To pursue testing for COVID-19, or for medical questions, call:
● Rio Grande Hospital 719-657-4990
● SLV Health Respiratory Clinic 719-589-2511 ext. 9
● Valley-Wide Health Systems 719-589-3658 ext. 9 (M-F), 719-589-2562 (Sa/Su)
For general (non-medical) SLV COVID-19 related questions:,