Pandemic-EBT application process is now open

The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), are pleased to announce the Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) application is available and can be accessed through late September.

In an effort to support Colorado’s families during the COVID-19 epidemic, CDHS and CDE secured USDA approval to issue P-EBT benefits to school-age children who would have received free or reduced-price meals during the time that schools were closed for in-person learning during the 2019-20 school year.

It is also for children who would have been eligible for free or reduced-price meals in schools for March, April, or May due to loss of income in those months. Each household with an eligible child can receive an amount of $5.70 per child per school day on a Colorado EBT card that will provide extra food benefits to create healthy, wholesome meal options for kids.

P-EBT benefits have been auto-issued for families with eligible children who were participating in SNAP in March, April, and/or May.

Families who have not been auto-issued benefits for all children or months or do not participate in SNAP, should apply.

Families can access the application here. For frequently asked questions visit the CDHS P-EBT webpage. Click Here for Additional Information

Families who applied last Friday and were not matched due to a State Issued ID Number (sometimes referred to as a SASID) issue, should reapply for the benefit

Please contact Crystal Quintana to receive your student's SASID number for your application.