SAN LUIS VALLEY - Three new cases for the SLV were reported since yesterday, two from Alamosa County and 1 from Conejos County. The total number of cumulative cases is now 462.  There are currently 25 known active cases in our region. Numbers are updated weekdays at


In a press briefing today, Governor Polis announced an executive order mandating that individuals over the age of 10 must wear a mask in indoor public spaces unless the person has a disability or condition that prevents them from wearing a mask. This order will be effective at midnight tonight, 7/16/2020. Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Department says, “Cases are rising sharply across the state, and evidence has shown that requiring masks helps slow the spread of COVID-19.” For more information, see


For testing of symptomatic individuals only, call:


For symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals who have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 positive individual, call:


Antibody testing is now being offered by SLV Health. Call 719-274-6021 or 719-587-1226.


For general (non-medical) SLV COVID-19 related questions: slvepr@alamosacounty.org719-480-8719